The MSj
package aims at providing an API to the most common file format in mass spectrometry. The following file formats are currently supported:
- mzXML
Public elements
The functions below are exported:
Data types
The main data type of the package is the abstract type MSj.MScontainer
Mass spectrometry scans are stored in the following structures, inspired from the mzXML format, which is a subtype of MSj.MScontainer
struct MSscan <: MScontainer
num::Int # num
rt::Float64 # retentionTime
tic::Float64 # totIonCurrent
mz::Vector{Float64} # m/z
int::Vector{Float64} # intensity
level::Int # msLevel
basePeakMz::Float64 # basePeakMz
basePeakIntensity::Float64 # basePeakIntensity
precursor::Float64 # precursorMz
polarity::String # polarity
activationMethod::String # activationMethod
collisionEnergy::Float64 # collisionEnergy
Another subtype, MSj.Chromatogram
, is used to store the retention time, the ionic current and the maximum value of the ion current.
struct Chromatogram <: MScontainer
rt::Vector{Float64} # araay of retention times
ic::Vector{Float64} # array of ion current
maxic::Float64 # maximum ion current (used in plotting normalization)
Combination of mass spectra requires another subtype of MSj.MScontainer
called MSj.MSscans
(notice the ending s).
struct MSscans <: MScontainer
num::Vector{Int} # num
rt::Vector{Float64} # retentionTime
tic::Float64 # totIonCurrent
mz::Vector{Float64} # m/z
int::Vector{Float64} # intensity
level::Vector{Int} # msLevel
basePeakMz::Float64 # basePeakMz
basePeakIntensity::Float64 # basePeakIntensity
precursor::Vector{Float64} # precursorMz
polarity::Vector{String} # polarity
activationMethod::Vector{String} # activationMethod
collisionEnergy::Vector{Float64} # collisionEnergy
s::Vector{Float64} # variance
The MSj.MSscans
structure is very similar to the MSj.MSscan
one, except that the fields num
, rt
, precursor
, polarity
, activationMethod
and collisionEnergy
are vectors. The idea is to keep track of the history of the operations that have led to this result. For example, if a MSscans
element is the result of the addition of two individual scans such as scans[1] + scans[2], then the num
field of resulting MSscans
is an array [1, 2]. The same applies to the retention time, precursor m/z, polarity, activation method and collision energy fields.
The info
public function reads the content of a file, but without loading the mass spectrometry data, and returns a Vector{String}
containing the number of scans, scans level and for MS/MS data, the precursor m/z, the activation method and energy. Additional information may be gained by setting verbose = true
4-element Array{String,1}:
"51 scans"
"MS2+ 1255.5 CID(CE=18)"
"MS3+ 902.33 PQD(CE=35)"
Importing data
When loading a file containing more than a single acquisition, the individual mass spectrometry scans are pushed into an array of MSj.MSscan
. The individual scans may be retrieve from the array the usual way:
julia> scans = load("filename")
51-element Array{MSj.MSscan,1}:
MSj.MSscan(1, 0.1384, 5.08195e6, [140.083, 140.167, 140.25, 140.333, 140.417, 140.5, 140.583, 140.667, 140.75, 140.833 … 1999.25, 1999.33, 1999.42, ....)
julia> scans[1]
MSj.MSscan(1, 0.1384, 5.08195e6, [140.083, 140.167, 140.25, 140.333, 140.417, 140.5, 140.583, 140.667, 140.75, 140.833 … 1999.25, 1999.33, 1999.42, ....)
As mentioned above, chromatograms may be retrieved from a file and imported in MSj.Chromatogram
julia> chromatogram("filename")
MSj.Chromatogram([0.1384, 0.7307, 2.1379, 3.7578, 4.3442, 5.7689], [5.08195e6, 9727.2, 11.3032, 4.8084e6, 12203.5, 4.84455], 5.08195e6)
The function MSj.retention_time
reads the retention time of an input file and returns a Vector{Float64}
containing the time in seconds.
julia> MSj.retention_time("filename")
51-element Array{Float64,1}:
Exporting data
This feature is currently under development.
Combining and filtering data
The average
returns the average of the mass spectra directly from a Vector{MSscan}
after Importing data data or directly from the filename
julia> average("filename")
MSj.MSscans([1, 2, 3 ....
julia> scans = load("filename")
51-element Array{MSj.MSscan,1}:
MSj.MSscan(1, 0.1384, 5.08195e6, [140.083, 140.167, 140.25, 140.333, 140.417, 140.5, 140.583, 140.667, 140.75, 140.833 … 1999.25, 1999.33, 1999.42, ....)
julia> average(scans)
MSj.MSscans([1, 2, 3 ....
Operating on files takes more time than working on Vector{MSscan}
but may be useful to reduce the memory load.
Without any argument the average
function averages the entire content of the data and the chromatogram
function operates on also on the entire data.
The average
and chromatogram
functions may takes arguments to select specific fields of interest within the data and operate on them. The argument belongs to the MSj.FilterType
. Their properties are listed below:
FilterType | Description | Arguments | Specificity |
MSj.Scan | Scan num | Int, Vector{Int} | average, chromatogram |
MSj.Level | MS level | Int, Vector{Int} | average, chromatogram |
MSj.Polarity | Polarity | String, Vector{String} | average, chromatogram |
MSj.Activation_Method | Activation method | String, Vector{String} | average, chromatogram |
MSj.Activation_Energy | Activation energy | Real, Vector{Real} | average, chromatogram |
MSj.Precursor | Precursor m/z | Real, Vector{Real} | average, chromatogram |
MSj.RT | Retention time | Real, Vector{Real}, Vector{Vector{Real}} | average |
MSj.IC | Ion current | Vector{Real} | average |
The filtering function goes first through all the arguments and setup an array of scan num that matches the conditions. Then it uses this array to calculate the average mass spectrum. So this procedure needs two passes through the data, which is not very efficient. This is a point to make better in the future.
When the argument is restricted to a single value, such as MSj.Scan(1)
, filtering is performed on that specific value. If the argument is a vector then filtering involves all the values within the range. Filtering on MSj.scan([1,10])
means that the result will be obtained for scans ranging from 1 to 10. The same applies for all FilterType
with the exception of MSj.∆MZ
, for which the first value of the vector represents the mz and the second value represents the spread ∆mz, so that filtering is operated for all mz value in the range [m/z - ∆mz , m/z + ∆mz]. The MSj.RT
type may take a vector or vectors as argument, such `MSj.RT([ [1,10], [20, 30] ]). In that case, mass spectra will be averaged in [1,10] and [20,30] range.
These filters may be combined together if necessary. For example, the input below returns the average mass spectrum for:
- the MS2 scans (level = 2),
- precursor m/z 1255.5,
- upon CID activation conditions
- with an activation energy of 18
- and for retention times in the 1 to 60 s range.
average("filename", MSj.Precursor(1255.5),
MSj.RT( [1, 60] ),
Several filter types may also be combined for chromatograms
chromatogram("filename", MSj.Precursor(1255.5),
If the condition does not match any existing data, then an ErrorException
is returned with the "No matching spectra."
The chromatogram
function has some methods using MSj.MethodType
MethodType | Description | Arguments | Remark |
MSj.TIC | Total ion current | None | Default |
MSj.BasePeak | Base peak intensity | None | |
MSj.MZ | m/z range | Vector{Real} | |
MSj.∆MZ | m/z ± ∆mz | Vector{Real} |
These types control the way chromatograms are calculated: either using the total ionic current, the base peak intensity or using a m/z range. The method
argument of the MSj.chromatogram
function is set to MSj.TIC() by default. This setting may be overruled by setting the method to desired value:
chromatogram("filename", method = MSj.BasePeak())
chromatogram("filename", method = MSj.MZ( [257, 259] ) )
chromatogram("filename", method = MSj.∆MZ( [258, 1] ) )
Extracting subsets
The extract
returns a Vector of MSscan
from either a file of from a Vector{MSscan} following a load
command, which corresponds to the filter conditions. See the Filtering part above.
sub_set = extract("filename") # extracting without any conditions returns a vector identical to the output
sub_set = extract("filename", MSj.Level(2) ) # extract MS/MS spectra
scans = load("test.mzxml") # load mass spectra
sub_set = extract(scans) # extract a sub_set without conditions returns the original data
The smooth
function is public and applies on MSscan
or MSscans
objects, with an optional method
argument set to MSj.SG(5, 9, 0)
. Smoothing is performed on the int
field using the Savinsky and Golay. The first argument is the order (5 by default), the second is the number of points (default 9) and the last, is the derivative level (0). The function returns an MScontainer
type identical to the input.
Base line correction
Base line correction is performed using the baseline_correction
function. This function as two methods and operates either on MScontainer
or on Array of MSscan
such as obtained after importing data.
baseline_correction(scans, method = MSj.IPSA(51, 100))
The method
argument allows choosing the algorithm.
Top Hat
This filter is based Top Hat transform used in image processing (wikipedia, Sauve et al. (2004). The region onto which the operation is performed is set using the region
field of the MSj.TopHat
. This filter removes every structure from the input which are smaller in size than the structuring element. Usually a region of 100 points is enough.This filter is fast and works quite well on large and complex backgrounds.
Iterative polynomial smoothing algorithm (IPSA)
The default algorithm is the IPSA for iterative polynomial smoothing algorithm (Wang et al. (2017). This iterative algorithm use a zero ordre Savinsly and Golay smoothing to estimate a background. Then a new input, constructed by taking the minimum of either the original spectrum or the background, is smooth again. The process is repeated until the maximum iteration is reached or when the background does not change much. The termination criteria has been changed from the original paper.
Locally weighted error sum of squares regression (LOESS)
The LOESS family of algorithm is based on non-parametric linear local regression where the regression is weighted to reduced the influence of more distant data. We use here the iterative robust estimation procedure where the weights are updated with a bisquare function of the median of the residuals. This algorithm takes the number of iteration to be performed. Usually 3 iteration is enough. This algorithm is slow and is not recommended. The implementation will be improved in future versions.
Peak picking
Pick-picking is performed using the public centroid
function. It operates on MSscan
or MSscans
type of data and return a similar type. It takes a method argument, set by default to the Signal to Noise Analysis method: MSj.SNRA
Signal to Noise Ratio Analysis (SNRA)
Signal to noise ratio analysis is a very general approach, which relies on the definition of noise. Here, we use TopHat filter to define the noise. Then the signal to noise ratio is calculated. Peaks are found by searching for a local maximum for which the signal to noise ratio is above the threshold. By defaults the MSj.SNRA
uses a threshold = 1.0 and a structuring element of 100 points.
centroid(scan, method = MSj.SNRA(1., 100)
Threshold base peak detection algorithm (TBPD)
The TBPD method identifies features based on their similarity (as described by the Pearson correlation coefficient) with a template peak. By default the MSj.TBPD
method type uses a Gaussian function, with 1000 mass resolving power and a threshold level set to 0.2% as :
centroid(scan, method = MSj.TBPD(:gauss, 1000, 0.2)
Two other shape functions are available:
which uses a Cauchy-Lorentz function and:voigt
which implements a pseudo-voigt profile (Ida et al., J. Appl. Cryst. (2000), Wikipedia)
The :lorentz
profile fits better Fourrier Transform mass spectra. The :voigt
shape is the result of the convolution of gaussi and Cauchy-Lorentz shape.
centroid(scan, method = MSj.TBPD(:lorentz, 1000., 0.1)
centroid(scan, method = MSj.TBPD(:voight, 1000., 0.1)
Properties calculations
From a molecular formula, it is possible to :
- calculate the molecular masses
- calculate the isotopic distributions
- simulate a mass spectrum providing and isotopic distribution and a peak width.
Parsing a chemical formula
The private function MSj.formula
takes an input string representing a chemical formula, such as "CH4", counts the number of atoms in the formula and returns a dictionary.
Dict("Br" => 1,"C" => 1,"H" => 3)
Dict{String,Int64} with 3 entries:
"Br" => 1
"C" => 1
"H" => 3
In the previous example, the dictionary had three elements corresponding to the three atomic species found in the "CH3Br" formula. The "Br" key has the value 1, the "C" key has also 1 and the "H" key has a value equals to 3. The output of this function will be used by all the other functions, which will calculate properties from it. The MSj.formula
function accepts stoichiometric regular molecular formulas as well as more developed forms. For hexane the following entries "C6H14", "CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3" or "CH3(CH2)4CH3" are equivalents.
Dict("C" => 2,"H" => 14)
Dict("C" => 2,"H" => 14)
Dict("C" => 2,"H" => 14)
The indices found after a parenthesis are used to multiply the elements inside the parenthesis. If no indices are found after ")", then the group is not multiply. The parenthesis are also used to specify an isotope, for example, consider ethane isotopically labelled with carbon 13:
Dict("C" => 1,"13C" => 1,"H" => 6)
These expressions are equivalent: "CH3(13C)H3", "CH3(13CH3)", "C(13C)H6". The following isotopes are recognized by MSj.formula:
- 1H for ^1H_1 (protium)
- 2H for ${}^2H_{2}$ (deuterium)
- D equivalent to 2H
- 12C for <sup>12</sup>C<sub>6</sub>
- 13C for <sup>13</sup>C<sub>6</sub>
- 14N for <sup>14</sup>N<sub>7</sub>
- 15N for <sup>15</sup>N<sub>7</sub>
- 16O for <sup>16</sup>O<sub>8</sub>
- 18O for <sup>18</sup>O<sub>8</sub>
- 32S for <sup>32</sup>S<sub>16</sub>
- 34S for <sup>34</sup>S<sub>16</sub>
The elements are stored in a dictionary called MSj.Elements. Each key of the MSj.Elements points to an Array
of MSj.Isotope
, which is a structure used to stored the different properties of the isotopes:
struct Isotope
m::Float64 # mass
f::Float64 # natural frequency
logf::Float64 # logarythm of the natural frequency
Z::Int # atomic number
A::Int # mass number
active::Bool # is radioactive
The isotopes are sorted by natural frequency. Hence, for instance, the first sulfur isotope is <sup>32</sup>S<sub>16</sub> with a natural frenquency of 0.995 followed by <sup>34</sup>S<sub>16</sub> with 0.043, etc.
julia> E = MSj.Elements["S"]
4-element Array{MSj.Isotope,1}:
MSj.Isotope(31.9720711741, 0.9498500119990401, -0.051451188958515866, 16, 32, false)
MSj.Isotope(33.96786703, 0.04252059835213182, -3.157766653355949, 16, 34, false)
MSj.Isotope(32.9714589101, 0.00751939844812415, -4.890269137820559, 16, 33, false)
MSj.Isotope(35.9670812, 0.00010999120070394368, -9.115110188972029, 16, 36, false)
The first element of the array, is the most naturally abundant isotope. The properties of the isotopes may be accessed by:
julia> E = MSj.Elements["S"];
julia> E[1] # returns the most abundant isotope of sulfur
MSj.Isotope(31.9720711741, 0.9498500119990401, -0.051451188958515866, 16, 32, false)
julia> E[2].f # returns natural abundance of the second most abundant istotope of sulfur.
Molecular masses
The public function masses
, return a dictionary with three keys "Monoisotopic", "Average" and "Nominal", defined as:
Mass | Element | Molecule or ion |
Nominal | Mass number of the most abundant stable isotope | Sum of the nominal masses of the most abundant stable isotopes |
Monoistopic | Atomic mass of the most abundant stable isotope | Sum of the atomic masses of the most abundant stable isotopes |
Average | Mass average function of the relative abundances | Sum of the average atomic weights of the constituents |
The masses for hexane are obtained by:
julia> m = masses("CH3(CH2)4CH3")
Dict("C" => 6,"H" => 14)
Dict{String,Float64} with 3 entries:
"Monoisotopic" => 86.1096
"Average" => 86.178
"Nominal" => 86.0
And my be recovered by:
julia> m["Average"]
julia> m["Monoisotopic"]
julia> m["Nominal"]
Isotopic distributions
The public function isotopic_distribution
calculates the isotopic distribution of the given formula. The function takes the following arguments:
- formula:
- target probability:
number - charge: optional argument
, by default = +1 - tau: optional
number set by default to 0.1 - the elements dictionary: set by default to
The calculations is based on the implementation of the isospec
algorithm. Briefly, the algorithm search for the small set of isotopologues
for which the total abundance is equal to the target probability. The calculation return a vector with all the configurations found. The first column gives the masses, the second column the probabilities of the configurations, and the following columns gives the configurations, such as:
julia> I = isotopic_distribution("C6H14", 0.9999, charge = +1)
Dict("C" => 6,"H" => 14)
5×6 Array{Union{Float64, Int64, String},2}:
"Masses" "Probability" "12C" "13C" "1H" "2H"
86.1096 0.935476 6 0 14 0
87.1129 0.0612122 5 1 14 0
88.1163 0.00166891 4 2 14 0
87.1158 0.00151559 6 0 13 1
The resulting array is intend to be readable easily, and thus the first line contains the descriptors or the columns. It may also be easily exported to a delimited file.
Simulated mass spectra
The result of an isotopic distribution calculation may be convoluted by a experimental peak shape to produce a simulated mass spectrum. Such an operatio, is achieved by the simulate
function. The function takes the following arguments:
- I: the
resulting from theisotopic_distribution
calculation - ∆mz: the width in Dalton of the peak shape
- model: the model used for the peak shape. By default it is set to
, but may bemodel=:lorentz
. - Npoints: an
value for the number of points in the mass spectrum. By default set toNpoints=1000
julia> I = isotopic_distribution("C6H14", 0.9999, charge = +1)
Dict("C" => 6,"H" => 14)
julia> sim = simulate(I, 0.05, model= :lorentz);
julia> Using Plots
julia> plot(sim)
See [## Plotting](@ref) for more information on how to plot mass spectra.
# Plotting
Plotting facilities are available as a submodule to the `MSj` package. The [`MSj.plots`](@ref) module relies on the [RecipesBase package](, which allows writing recipes to plot users' data types. Hence, recipes have been created for `MSscan`, `Msscans` and `Chromatogram`:
julia plot(scans[1], method = :relative))
By default plotting is made in relative intensities, which may be changed by setting method to :absolute