
MSj.jl is a package for loading, processing and plotting mass spectrometry data. It provides a range of functionalities such as:

  • Getting information on the file
  • Load a file
  • Averaging mass spectra based on various criteria that may be combined
  • Chromatogram
  • Processing the data
    • smoothing
    • baseline correction
    • peak-picking
  • Calculation of isotopic distribution

The tutorial page shows examples how to use this package and provides a general guide to it. The manual page explains the structure of the package and the reference page gives a full documentation for each type and function.


There are two ways of installing the package.

julia> using Pkg ;
julia> Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="https://github.com/ajgiuliani/MSj.jl"))


julia> ]
(v1.3) pkg>  add https://github.com/ajgiuliani/MSj.jl

Supported file format

  • mzXML